El Cuerpo- Level 3 Question Preview (ID: 48397)

Body Part Riddles In English. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The knee is to the leg like the ________ is to the arm.
a) el brazo
b) la mano
c) el hombro
d) el codo

They say that if you don't want bad luck you should throw salt over your ___________.
a) mano
b) pie
c) hombro
d) codo

When you dance salsa, you should move your legs and feet. But you should also move your...
a) cabeza
b) codo
c) cadera
d) cara

When you move your entire skeleton you are move your whole______
a) el cuerpo
b) la cabeza
c) la cara
d) la cadera

The elbow is to the arm what the ___________ is to the leg.
a) el pie
b) la mano
c) la rodilla
d) la cadera

It can be round, square or oval. You put it on a pillow
a) La cara
b) La cadera
c) La cabeza
d) el pelo

We are like ten brothers. Five on one hand and five on the other.
a) la mano
b) el brazo
c) el dedo
d) dorado

When you play soccer, with your hands you can't play. You need this to kick with.
a) la cabeza
b) el brazo
c) el pie
d) la rodilla

This is something you might say when you are sick.
a) Me siento badeo
b) Me siento bien
c) Me siento goodeo
d) Me siento mal.

This is something you might say when nothing hurts.
a) Me siento badeo.
b) Me siento bien.
c) Me siento mal
d) Me siento goodeo.

If you hit your leg against the table you might say.
a) Ow! Me duele la pierna
b) Ow! Me dolloped la pierna
c) Ow! Me siento la pierna
d) Ow! I hurteo la pierna

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