American Indians In Georgia Question Preview (ID: 48395)

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How do we know about the first American Indians?
a) From the artifacts they left behind
b) From the songs they sang
c) From the books they wrote
d) From the stories they told

Which group encountered the European explorers?
a) Mississippian
b) Paleo
c) Archaic
d) Woodland

Who was in charge of the Mississippian American Indian tribes?
a) A priest chief
b) A conquistador
c) A King
d) A President

Where did the Mississippian Indians lilve?
a) Large permanent villages and towns near rivers
b) They were nomads, moving around to find food and shelter
c) They lived in one area during the winter and another during the summer
d) They lived in small tribes in teepees

Deer, turkey, pumpkins ans squash best describe the Mississippian _______
a) Food
b) Culture
c) Shelter
d) Weapons/Tools

Bows and Arrows, Pottery, spears, and axes best describe the ____________ used by the Mississippian Indians.
a) Weapons/Tools
b) Food
c) Shelter
d) Culture

Huts made of daub, clay, and sticks best describe _________ made by the Mississipian Indians.
a) Shelter
b) Food
c) Relilgion
d) culture

To protect their villages and towns the Mississippian Indians would build a wooden _______ around their settlements.
a) palisade
b) moat
c) fort
d) temple

Some Mississipian Indian settlements built near a river had a ________ filled with water around the village walls.
a) moat
b) canal
c) river
d) channel

Many of the Mississippian Indians died from _______ after the arrival of the Europeans.
a) Disease
b) Wounds from battles with Europeans
c) Starvation
d) Wounds from battles with other groups of Indians

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