Unit 1.1 Quiz Question Preview (ID: 48391)

Environmental Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Using resources less so they last longer is....
a) Conservation
b) Nonrenewable
c) Hydropower
d) Biothermal

A natural resource is....
a) Always available
b) Replaced quickly
c) Anything in the environment used by people
d) Anything man-made

Which of the following is not a renewable resource
a) Coal
b) Water
c) Wind
d) Sunlight

Where does geothermal energy come from?
a) Heat in the Earth
b) Carbon
c) Plant matter
d) Wind

Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
a) Uranium
b) OIl
c) Natural Gas
d) Coal

Organic matter, like plant and animal waste, that can be used for fuel is called...
a) Biomass
b) Nuclear
c) Geothermal
d) Solar

Rinsing a water bottle and refilling it is an example of...
a) Reusing
b) Reducing
c) Recycling
d) Biomass

All of the following are ways to conserve energy except...
a) Leaving the TV on for background noise
b) Turning off the lights when leaving a room
c) Opening the curtains instead of using lights
d) Unplugging unused appliances

Hydropower is generated from the power of moving...
a) Water
b) Wind
c) Sunlight
d) Humans

A material that cannot replenish itself in nature as quickly as it is used ...
a) Nonrenewable resource
b) Natural resource
c) Renewable resource
d) Hydropower

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