8th SS - Unit 6 Review (SS8H5a), Part II Question Preview (ID: 48384)

8th SS (Unit 6), Part II. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The first southern state to secede from the U.S. was:
a) South Carolina
b) Georgia
c) North Carolina
d) Florida

In the Election of 1860, Georgia supported:
a) John Breckinridge
b) John Bell
c) Stephen Douglas
d) Abraham Lincoln

When Abraham Lincoln won the Election of 1860:
a) he received great support from northern states
b) it convinced southern states to remain in the U.S.
c) he won every electoral vote
d) southern states began an invasion of the North

Unlike most presidential elections, the Election of 1860 was contested between:
a) 4 main candidates
b) 3 main candidates
c) 5 main candidates
d) 6 main candidates

The Dred Scott v. Sandford case:
a) convinced Southerners that they could keep their slaves
b) persuaded the federal government to limit freedoms in the South
c) reversed the Compromise of 1850
d) was a victory for abolitionists

The Georgia Platform:
a) gave support to the Compromise of 1850
b) allowed slaves to have their freedom
c) supported Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans
d) called for secession from the U.S.

Under the Fugitive Slave Law:
a) runaway slaves were returned to their owners
b) slaves could apply for freedom
c) slaves were free if they could escape to the North
d) slavery was no longer allowed in northern states

In the Compromise of 1850, California was allowed to become:
a) a free state
b) a slave state
c) ###
d) ####

The Compromise of 1850 began when:
a) California applied to be a state
b) the Dred Scott case was decided
c) the Missouri Compromise failed
d) the Civil War ended

All states south of Missouri would be slave states... according to:
a) the Missouri Compromise
b) the Compromise of 1850
c) the California gold Rush
d) the issue of nullification

After several Southern states seceded from the U.S., these states formed:
a) the Confederate States of America
b) the Unitary States of America
c) the Federal States of America
d) ####

Alexander Stephens and Robert Toombs:
a) supported the Georgia Platform
b) wrote the Missouri Compromise
c) received electoral votes in the Election of 1860
d) kidnapped Dred Scott

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