8th SS - Unit 6 Review (SS8H5a), Part I Question Preview (ID: 48382)

Unit 6 (SS8H5a), Part I. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A civil war is fought:
a) within a country
b) between two countries
c) between two alliances of nations
d) ####

Frederick Douglass and Solomon Northup were examples of:
a) abolitionists
b) slave owners
c) politicians in the South
d) proponents of the nullification crisis

To nullify means to:
a) cancel
b) make valid
c) destroy
d) create

The Southern states believed that tariffs from the North could be:
a) nullified
b) validated
c) increased
d) ####

Which Southern state almost seceded from the U.S. during the issue of nullification?
a) South Carolina
b) Alabama
c) Tennessee
d) Georgia

Just before the Civil War, the Southern states:
a) pushed the idea of states' rights
b) ended slavery in their states
c) backed the candidacy of Abraham Lincoln as president
d) were forcibly removed from the United States

People who believed in states' rights thought that:
a) state interests were more important than national interests
b) national interests were more important than state interests
c) ###
d) ####

What is an abolitionist?
a) a person who wants to end slavery
b) a person who wants slavery to expand
c) a person who believes in states' rights
d) a person who does not believe in states' rights

What were slave narratives?
a) true stories about slaves in the South
b) the removal of slaves from the American South
c) areas in which slaves were allowed to live
d) ####

One major reason for the rise of slavery in the South during the early 1800s was:
a) the invention of the cotton gin
b) the development of railroads
c) the removal of the Cherokee Indians from the Southeast
d) the election of Abraham Lincoln as president of the U.S.

The U.S. Civil War occurred during:
a) the 1860s
b) the 1840s
c) the 1880s
d) the 1820s

The primary cause of the Civil War was:
a) slavery
b) the Missouri Compromise
c) the Compromise of the 1850
d) the Dred Scott case

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