Atoms, Elements, Compounds Question Preview (ID: 48377)

Physical Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

chemical symbol for sodium chloride
a) H2O
b) CO2
c) Fe2O3
d) NaCl

how can I separate salt water
a) filter the salt
b) freeze the mixture
c) evaporate the water
d) pour the water out of its container

chemical symbol for iron oxide
a) I and O
b) Ir and O
c) Fe and O
d) Pb and O

sugar is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen...this is an example of
a) an atom
b) a compound
c) a mixture

when copper and iron chemically unite, they form
a) an ion
b) a gas
c) a compound

iron oxide, also known as rust, is formed when iron chemically combines with oxygen. element
a) element
b) mixture
c) solution
d) compound

How many elements are in the compound MgOH2?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

what substance is a compound
a) sodium
b) chlorine
c) table salt
d) salt water

which substance are substances arranged orderly
a) gas
b) liquid
c) solid

which of these is a compound
a) C
b) Mn
c) Co
d) H2O

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