Le Futur Proche - Equivalents Question Preview (ID: 48373)

Le Futur Proche. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Il va perdre
a) We are going to lose
b) He is going to lose
c) She is going to lose
d) They are going to lose

Tu vas commencer
a) You are going to start
b) We are going to start
c) They are going to start
d) I am going to start

Vous allez jouer
a) You are going to play
b) I am going to play
c) We are going to play
d) She is going to play

Vous allez grandir
a) We are going to grow
b) He is going to grow
c) She is going to grow
d) You are going to grow

Nous allons choisir
a) We are going to choose
b) She is going to choose
c) He is going to choose
d) They are going to choose

Je vais travailler
a) You are going to work
b) I am going to work
c) They are going to work
d) We are going to work

Elle va penser
a) We are going to think
b) He is going to think
c) She is going to think
d) They are going to think

Il va étudier
a) They are going to study
b) I am going to study
c) She is going to study
d) He is going to study

Ils vont parler
a) They are going to talk
b) She is going to talk
c) He is going to talk
d) We are going to talk

Vous allez chanter
a) You are going to sing
b) We are going to sing
c) They are going to sing
d) She is going to sing

Nous allons écouter
a) You are going to listen
b) We are going to listen
c) I am going to listen
d) They are going to listen

Elles vont réussir
a) You are going to succeed
b) We are going to succeed
c) She is going to succeed
d) They are going to succeed

Tu vas regarder
a) I am going to watch
b) He is going to watch
c) You are going to watch
d) She is going to watch

Je vais aller
a) I am going to go
b) She is going to go
c) You are going to go
d) We are going to go

Elle va entendre
a) They are going to wait
b) He is going to wait
c) She is going to wait
d) We are going to wait

Nous allons aider
a) You are going to help
b) They are going to help
c) I am going to help
d) We are going to help

Je vais marcher
a) They are going to walk
b) We are going to walk
c) I am going to walk
d) You are going to walk

Ils vont sauter
a) He is going to jump
b) They are going to jump
c) She is going to jump
d) We are going to jump

Elles vont crier
a) They are going to yell
b) She is going to yell
c) He is going to yell
d) I am going to yell

Nous allons attendre
a) You are going to wait
b) I am going to wait
c) They are going to wait
d) We are going to wait

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