Review SS8H1-SS8H4 Question Preview (ID: 48337)

Westward Expansion Of Georgia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What did the Georgia legislators do with the Yazoo documents after they were declared invalid (or wrong)?
a) They sued and took the case to the Supreme Court.
b) They burned the Yazoo Act in public.
c) The governor of Georgia made them issue a public apology to the Native Americans.
d) They asked the land companies for more money to pay off their debt from the American Revolution.

What did Georgia lose in the Yazoo Land Fraud?
a) The right to keep Native Americans off of Georgia's land.
b) Access to the Tenessee River.
c) A war with the Creek Indians over the Yazoo Land.
d) The right to claim the Yazoo Land within Georgia's boundaries.

Where was Georgia's boundary BEFORE the Yazoo Land Fraud?
a) The Chattahoochee River
b) The Altamaha River
c) The Yazoo River
d) The Mississippi River

In what way did Hernando de Soto's expedition have a lasting impact on American Indian life?
a) by converting most of the American Indian population to Christianity
b) by introducing contagious diseases that killed many American Indians
c) by convincing many American Indians to adopt many Spanish customs
d) by bringing new livestock and agricultural techniques to American Indians

Which of the following did NOT play a significant role in James Oglethorpe's decision to found the Georgia Colony?
a) the terrible living conditions within English prisons
b) his belief that all criminals deserve a second chance
c) the treatment of English people unable to pay their debts
d) his belief that debtors should not be treated as criminals

Increased markets, more efficient trade, and the rise of Atlanta can all be attributed to
a) the Yazoo Land Fraud
b) Sherman’s “march to the sea”
c) the establishment of the railroads in the 1800s
d) conflicts between Georgians and American Indians

What impact did cotton have on Georgia’s economy during the 1800s?
a) It decreased in importance as more textile mills opened
b) It decreased the need for slaves because the state had less rice plantations
c) It became the most important crop to the state’s economy and ensured that the state remained dependent on slavery
d) It led to the state’s increased dependence on trade as Georgia imported most of their supply of cotton from other states and

What was the purpose of the headright system in Georgia?
a) Distributed Indian lands to new settlers
b) Administered voting and election districts
c) Administered voting and election districts
d) Provided an organized system of collecting taxes

Events in which Georgians had the chance to win the right to buy land from the state were known as
a) Yazoo deals
b) land lotteries
c) freedom fighters
d) headright systems

What was the sole purpose of the changing state capital
a) The people kept moving west, and so went the capital with the people.
b) It needed to be moved away from the ocean in case of an attack.
c) The citizens wanted it to be Atlanta and needed to slowly move the capital closer.
d) To hide it from our enemies.

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