What Kind Of Verb Am I? Question Preview (ID: 48333)

Types Of Verbs. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Identify the type of verb in this sentence: The flower is blooming.
a) action
b) helping
c) linking

Identify the type of verb(s) in this sentence: I am going to the store later.
a) action
b) helping
c) linking
d) helping and action

Identify the type of verb(s) in this sentence: The sun shines brightly in the afternoon.
a) action
b) helping
c) linking
d) helping and linking

Identify the type of verb(s) in this sentence: He has been helpful to me.
a) action
b) helping
c) linking
d) two linking verbs

Which type of verb should be inserted in this sentence: The apple ______ from the tree.
a) action
b) helping
c) linking
d) No verb is needed.

What type of word is usually associated with a helping verb?
a) adjective
b) noun
c) another helping verb
d) action verb

If a linking verb is with another word, what would it most likely be?
a) noun
b) adjective
c) noun and adjective
d) action verb

Which of the following words is a helping verb?
a) runs
b) plays
c) should
d) dreams

Which of the following contains a linking verb?
a) Spring is a season of flowers and warm temperatures.
b) Summer brings hot sun and lots of humidity.
c) Autumn often will come with cooler days.
d) Winter sparkles with snow and ice.

Which sentence has a helping verb in it?
a) Pumpkins are round and orange.
b) Turkeys do not like Thanksgiving.
c) The house smells so wonderful when my mother cooks dinner.
d) I ate way too much pumpkin pie last Thanksgiving.

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