Science Chapter 1 Question Preview (ID: 48326)

First Test Reviewing Plant And Animal Systems, As Well As Cells. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The name of an organism made up of only one cell.
a) Unicellular
b) Multicellular
c) Quadracellular
d) Solocellular

The name of an organism made up of multiple cells.
a) Unicellular
b) Multicellular
c) Quadracellular
d) Solocellular

Control center of cell
a) Mitochondria
b) Chloroplasts
c) Nucleus
d) Cytoplasm

Provides energy to the cell
a) cell wall
b) Organelles
c) Mitochondria
d) Cytoplasm

What transports water up from the roots?
a) Leaves
b) Cell wall
c) Cells
d) Xylem

In photosyntheis plants make sugar and what?
a) Water
b) Carbon Monoxide
c) Oxygen
d) Sunlight

Organs working together make a(n)...
a) Unicellular cell
b) Organ system
c) Organelle
d) Multicellular cell

Which cells have mitochondria?
a) Animal
b) Plant
c) Plant and Animal
d) None

What do plant cells have that animal cells do not?
a) Cell membrane
b) Mitochondria
c) Cell wall
d) Cytoplasm

What do plant cells have that animal cells do not?
a) Chloroplast
b) Mitochondria
c) Nucleus
d) Organelles

Name one type of stem..
a) Tall
b) Short
c) Woody
d) Weak

Where does photosynthesis happen?
a) Roots
b) Stem
c) Leaves
d) Nucleus

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