Ch 12, Second War For Independence Question Preview (ID: 48323)

War Of 1812 And Monroe Doctrine. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the condition of the U.S. military at the beginning of the War of 1812?
a) Relatively small, but strong professional army and navy
b) Weak; poorly led professional army with a large, robust navy
c) Small cadre of professionals with a prepared militia and a large well trained navy
d) Small cadre of professional soldiers dependent on a poorly trained and led militia and a small but capable navy.

The term used for the British forcing American sailors to work on their ships is called
a) kidnapping impressment force bullying
b) impressment
c) force
d) bullying

Meeting that led to the end of the Federalist Party due to their overt actions to maintain power in Congress
a) Seneca Falls Convention
b) Hartford Convention
c) New Orleans Convention
d) Convention of 1815

Which was NOT a cause of the War of 1812
a) The Americans wanted their independence from Great Britain
b) The British were kidnapping American sailors
c) The British refused to leave forts in the Northwest
d) The Americans wanted more land, specifically in Canada

What were the intangibles achieved by the War?
a) Nationalism and pride in achievements
b) Protectionist tariffs
c) Sectionalism
d) A boost to the American industrial revolution

What is sectionalism?
a) Loyalty to one’s region
b) Loyalty to one’s country
c) Loyalty to the world
d) Loyalty to your spouse

What happened to the Federalist party as a result of their opposition to the war?
a) Became weaker
b) Became stronger
c) Lost political advantage
d) Ceased to exist

Why was it the “Era of Good Feelings”?
a) A time of prosperity and nationalism
b) A period of growth
c) Over-speculation on land in the west
d) All

What area did the Missouri Compromise effect?
a) Land gained from Mexico
b) Texas
c) Oregon
d) Louisiana Territory

What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?
a) To isolate the US from the rest of the world
b) To ensure trade with new, independent Latin American countries without interference from Europe
c) To secure the US from foreign influence, especially Europe
d) To help Latin American countries gain independence from Europe

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