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a) rice
b) chicken
c) I like
d) restaurant
me gusta
a) chicken
b) vegetables
c) I like
d) I don't like
no me gusta
a) hamburger
b) I like
c) pasta
d) I don't like
Yo como
a) pasta
b) I eat
c) fish
d) chicken
la pasta
a) hamburger
b) vegetables
c) pasta
d) I like
el arroz
a) rice
b) hamburger
c) restaurant
d) I like
el pollo
a) fish
b) rice
c) soup
d) chicken
la sopa
a) I don't like
b) rice
c) chicken
d) soup
las verduras
a) soup
b) fish
c) vegetables
d) rice
el pescado
a) chicken
b) fish
c) I don't like
d) restuarant
la hamburguesa
a) fish
b) chicken
c) restuarant
d) hamburger
el restorante
a) hamburger
b) I don't like
c) restaurant
d) fish
practicar yoga
a) to walk
b) to swim
c) to practice yoga
d) to run
a) to swim
b) to eat
c) to exercise
d) to run
a) to walk
b) to practice yoga
c) to swim
d) to eat
jugar al fĂștbol
a) to swim
b) to exercise
c) to walk
d) to play soccer
hacer ejercicio
a) to walk
b) to exercise
c) to practice yoga
d) to swim
a) to run
b) to exercise
c) to swim
d) to eat
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