Scat (1-4) Question Preview (ID: 48315)

Book Scat, Chapters 1 - 4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why do students dread Mrs. Starch's class?
a) she has bad breath
b) she is very strict
c) she has one eye
d) she sings in class

Why does Nick raise his hand when it looks as if Mrs. Starch will call on Marta?
a) he wants to practice public speaking
b) he likes Marta and wants to save her

What does the interaction between Mrs. Starch and Smoke reveal about both characters?
a) Smoke shows anger/Mrs. Starch shows nastiness
b) Smoke shows silliness/Mrs. Starch shows sweetness
c) Smoke shows humor/Mrs. Starch shows kindness
d) Smoke and Mrs. Starch both show respect

Why is Nick worried about his father?
a) he is sick
b) he flew out of town
c) he's been out of touch for many days
d) his mother is at work

How does Duane Scrod Sr. react when Dr. Dressler shares Smoke's behavior in class?
a) happy
b) worried
c) angry
d) unconcerned

Why does Nick get excited when the group hears a piercing cry in the Black Vine Swamp?
a) it might be a panther
b) it might be Mrs. Starch
c) it might be his dad
d) it might be a surprise party

How does Mrs. Waters prove to Nick that his videotape is not of a panther?
a) the trees hide Smoke and his dad
b) she sees a ski mask
c) Smoke's face is clear
d) she spots a belt

Who is the author of Scat?
a) Jeff Kinney
b) Gordon Korman
c) Carl Hiaasen
d) Wendy Mass

Mrs. Starch didn't return to school with the students because
a) she did, she was in an invisibility cloak
b) she runs to retrieve a student's inhaler
c) she's a magician's assitant
d) she was arrested

Are you liking the book so far?
a) true
b) false

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