Roots Review #3 (ped, Jur, Log, Dict) Question Preview (ID: 48300)

Third Roots Practice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

If you know the prefix ab- means NOT. What does the word abjure mean?
a) to not have words
b) to not have rights
c) to not have anything to say
d) to not be able to walk

Think about what you know about the root word meter and the root word ped. What is a pedometer?
a) measure + ped = measuring how far someone walks on their feet
b) law + foot = following the laws while you are walking
c) words + foot = using your words to explain where you walk
d) water + foot = walking in the water

What do the words juror, perjury, and prejudice all have in common?
a) They all have to do with the earth.
b) They all have to do with the way a person walks.
c) They all have to do with writing down words.
d) They all have to do with judging someone.

What do the words apology, dialogue, and eulogy all have in common?
a) They all have to do with using words to explain an idea.
b) They all have to do with helping a person's feet get better.
c) They all have to do with making the laws.
d) They all have to do with judging a person.

What does the root word dict mean?
a) law
b) foot
c) word
d) say

What do the words pedicure, podiatrist, and pedometer all have in common?
a) they all have to do with judging
b) they all have to do with jobs people have
c) they all have to do with feet
d) they all have to do with using words on a page

What does the root word jur or jud mean?
a) foot
b) law
c) word
d) say

What does the root word logue mean?
a) foot
b) law
c) word
d) say

What does the root ped or pod mean?
a) foot
b) judge
c) word
d) say

If you know the prefix pre- means BEFORE. What does the word predict mean?
a) to think about the judge before you go to court
b) to make a law before a judge approves it
c) to think about your walk before you leave your home
d) to say your idea before you read

If you know the word travel means to JOURNEY, what does the word travelog mean?
a) It means to walk on a journey.
b) It means to speak about your journey.
c) It means to write about your journey.
d) It means to journey far away.

What do the words dictator, verdict, and vindictive all have in common?
a) They all have to do with walking to a place.
b) They all have to do with the law.
c) They all have to do with writing down all your ideas.
d) They all have to do with telling a person an idea.

If you know the prefix contra- means opposite, what does the word contradict mean?
a) walking in the opposite direction
b) saying the same opinion
c) saying the opposite opinion
d) the judge agreeing with the victim

If you know the prefix mono- means one, what does the word monologue mean?
a) one person speaking a story
b) two people speaking a story
c) one person walking by themselves
d) one person writing a story with many characters

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