Dakota And Ojibwe Similarities And Differences Question Preview (ID: 48295)

Dakota And Ojibwe Similarities And Differences. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How were the Dakota and Ojibwe different?
a) The weren't different
b) The Ojibwe lived in the Northern part of Minnesota and the Dakota lived in the Southern part of Minnesota
c) The Ojibwe lived in tipis and the Dakota lived in wigwams
d) The Ojibwe used hallowed out logs for canoes and the Dakota make birch barck canoes.

What the Ojibwe would find at the last stop on their journey?
a) nothing
b) food that grew on water - wild rice
c) water fall
d) a new tipi waiting for them

What are some ways the Dakota and Ojibwe are similar?
a) They both live in the forest, hunt, fish, harvest wild rice, turn sap to sugar, moved with the seasons and were sovereign
b) They both live in the forest, hunt, fish, harvest wild rice, turn sap to sugar, lived in tipis and were sovereign
c) They both live in the forest, hunt, fish, turn sap to sugar, moved with the seasons and viewed history in a line
d) They both live in the desert hunt, fish, harvest wild rice, turn sap to sugar, moved with the seasons and were sovereign

How the Dakota view history
a) In a circle
b) In a square
c) In a line
d) They don't view history

Number of stops the Ojibwe would make on their journey from the east coast to Minnesota?
a) two
b) six
c) ten
d) seven

What did the story Ghost Wife teach?
a) kinship
b) generosity
c) love
d) respect

What did the Badger and the Bear teach?
a) human capital
b) generosity
c) respect
d) kinship

A way the Dakota or Ojibwe improved their human capital
a) By practicing their hunting skills
b) By trading for new materials
c) By moving with the seasons
d) By forming an alliance with other tribes

How the Dakota and Ojibwe show respect to others?
a) lowering their eyes, speaking loudly, walking carefully in their tipis and using kinship titles like, uncle
b) lowering their eyes, speaking softly, running in their tipis and using kinship titles like, uncle
c) lowering their eyes, speaking softly, walking carefully in their tipis and using kinship titles like, Mr. or Mrs.
d) lowering eyes, speaking softly, not watching someone sleep, walking carefully in tipis and using kinship titles like, uncle

Two ways the Dakota and Ojibwe showed generosity.
a) Shared their food with anyone who came by their tipi and by giving a gift to someone in honor of someone else.
b) Shared their food with anyone who came by their tipi and hunted as a group.
c) Shared their money they made through trading and by giving a gift to someone in honor of someone else.
d) They didn't believe in generosity.

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