Dakota And Ojibwe Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 48294)

The Similarities And Differences Between The Dakota And Ojibwe. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How the Dakota and Ojibwe show respect to others?
a) lowering their eyes, speaking loudly, walking carefully in their tipis and using kinship titles like, uncle
b) lowering their eyes, speaking softly, running in their tipis and using kinship titles like, uncle
c) lowering their eyes, speaking softly, walking carefully in their tipis and using kinship titles like, Mr. or Mrs.
d) lowering their eyes, speaking softly, walking carefully in their tipis and using kinship titles like, uncle

Two ways the Dakota and Ojibwe showed generosity.
a) Shared their food with anyone who came by their tipi and by giving a gift to someone in honor of someone else.
b) Shared their food with anyone who came by their tipi and hunted as a group.
c) Shared their money they made through trading and by giving a gift to someone in honor of someone else.
d) They didn't believe in generosity.

The seven bands within the Dakota nation.
a) alliance
b) Sioux
c) Anishinabe
d) Seven Council Fires

The Ojibwe word for original inhabitants of the earth; human beings.
a) Seven Council Fires
b) Sioux
c) Anishinabe
d) sovereign

Self-ruling and independent.
a) sovereign
b) Seven Council Fires
c) alliance
d) Sioux

Another name for Dakota.
a) Anishinabe
b) Sioux
c) Seven Council Fires
d) alliance

an agreement made between two or more nations (or allies) to cooperate for specific reasons
a) sovereign
b) Seven Council Fires
c) alliance
d) Sioux

A sweet substance made by boiling sap from a maple tree.
a) tipi
b) wild rice
c) wigwam
d) maple sugar

A tall grass that grows in shallow, still waters is an edible plant and important to Ojibwe culture.
a) tipi
b) wild rice
c) wigwam
d) maple sugar

The process of moving from one region or country to another.
a) tipi
b) generosity
c) migration
d) kinship

The bark, or outer covering of a birch tree.
a) migration
b) respect
c) income
d) birch bark

Money or other benefits received in payment for goods or services.
a) human capital
b) generosity
c) kinship
d) income

The knowledge and skills individuals have that enhance their ability to earn income.
a) income
b) human capital
c) generosity
d) extended family

Expression of courtesy and consideration toward others.
a) respect
b) generosity
c) human capital
d) income

A round dwelling made out of poles and saplings and covered with sheets of birchbark or woven mats.
a) tipi
b) wigwam
c) income
d) family

All relatives, including parents, children, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles.
a) extended family
b) kinship
c) generosity
d) human capital

Close connections with one's relatives.
a) generosity
b) human capital
c) kinship
d) extended family

The Dakota term that inspired the name of our state. It means, land where the waters are so clear they reflect the clouds in the sky.
a) tipi
b) generosity
c) Mni Sota Macoce
d) kinship

A cone shaped house made by stretching animal skins over a frame of wooden poles.
a) tipi
b) kinship
c) wigwam
d) respect

The habit of giving without expecting anything in return.
a) kinship
b) income
c) human capital
d) generosity

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