Greek Mythology Monsters And Creatures Question Preview (ID: 48288)

Monsters And Creatures From The Greek Myths. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Half-man, half-horse
a) Cyclops
b) Griffins
c) Chimera
d) Centaurs

A three headed dog in the underworld
a) Cerberus
b) Cyclops
c) Pegasus
d) Typhon

The sea monster that took the shape of a giant whirlpool
a) Charybdis
b) Cyclops
c) Furies
d) Pegasus

One-eyed giants
a) Cyclops
b) Furies
c) Centaurs
d) Typhon

The beautiful white horse that could fly
a) Pegasus
b) Satyrs
c) Medusa
d) Giffins

The monster that had snakes coming out of her hair
a) Medusa
b) Minotaur
c) Harpies
d) Griffin

The creature that had the body of a lion, head of a woman, and the wings of an eagle.
a) Sphinx
b) Typhon
c) Sirens
d) Scylla

The scariest and most powerful of all the monsters in Greek Mythology
a) Typhon
b) Sphinx
c) Medusa
d) Griffin

The creature that had the body of a lion and the head, wings, and talon of an eagle
a) Griffins
b) Furies
c) Cyclops
d) Typhon

The creature that had the head of a bull and the body of a man.
a) Minotaur
b) Typhon
c) Furies
d) Centaurs

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