Unit 2 Geography Test Question Preview (ID: 48287)

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The feelings, behaviors and beliefs of a specific group of people.
a) resource
b) analyze
c) region
d) culture

Find what is similar and what is different.
a) adapt
b) analyze
c) compare and contrast
d) region

To sort through information and find specific details that help you understand something.
a) Adapt
b) Analyze
c) Compare and Contrast
d) Resource

An object created by humans, from a certain culture, long ago.
a) Artifact
b) Tundra
c) Culture
d) Adapt

A person/group who lived in a particular location for a long time.
a) Indigenous
b) Artifact
c) Tundra
d) Symbol

Areas divided by similar characteristics.
a) indigenous
b) region
c) compare and contrast
d) culture

Useful things in nature that help someone achieve a goal.
a) artifact
b) culture
c) region
d) resource

When a group/person helps out another group.
a) resource
b) adapt
c) contribute
d) culture

Long weather conditions over time.
a) contribute
b) adapt
c) climate
d) region

To change during new situations.
a) Adapt
b) Analyze
c) Compare and Contrast
d) Culture

A polar region that is cold and has little to no trees.
a) symbol
b) tundra
c) climate
d) indigenous

An item that represents something important.
a) symbol
b) artifact
c) region
d) climate

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