6.ps.3 Law Of Conservation Of Energy, PE, KE Question Preview (ID: 48277)

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When mass increases....
a) Potential energy increases
b) potential energy decreases
c) kinetic energy increases
d) kinetic energy decreases

When you increase the height of an object you .....
a) increase its potential energy
b) decrease its potential energy
c) increase thermal energy
d) decrease kinetic energy

The law of conservation of energy states....
a) energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes its form.
b) energy can be created and destroyed while it changes form
c) mass cannot be created or destroyed
d) mass makes all energy

Friction is when kinetic energy is changed to.....
a) thermal energy
b) mechanical energy
c) floor burns
d) potential energy

What forms of energy are dissipated into on a roller coaster?
a) thermal and sound
b) chemical and sound
c) electrical and mechanical
d) heat and food

The point on the rollercoaster where there is the most potential energy.
a) top of the first hill
b) bottom of the first hill
c) top of the last hill
d) bottom of the last hill

What point on a rollercoaster has the most kinetic energy?
a) bottom of the hill
b) top of the hill
c) middle of the hill
d) at the platform to get off

Potential energy is....
a) energy of position
b) energy of motion
c) ability to do work
d) can be destroyed

Kinetic energy is...
a) energy of motion
b) energy of position
c) ability to do work
d) can be destroyed

According to the law of conservation of energy ,energy is never lost but....
a) it changes form
b) it is at rest
c) disappears
d) it is how fast it is moving

What has to be introduced a roller coaster to get it to stop?
a) friction and the slope of the track
b) brakes
c) velocity
d) acelleration

Energy can be transferred from one form to another such as.....
a) both of the answers
b) rollercoaster
c) skatepark

Energy can be ......... from one form to another.
a) transferred
b) lost
c) created
d) made

When you have PE and KE being transferred back and forth you have.....
a) mechanical energy
b) loss of energy
c) energy being created
d) thermal energy

A real life example of energy being transformed or going back and forth is....
a) a roller coaster
b) a kid skateboarding at a skate park
c) a car going down the road
d) all of the listed examples

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