Water Habitats Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 48272)

Water Habitats. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a fresh water habitat with moving water called?
a) pond
b) stream
c) ocean
d) pool

What is a large body of salt water called?
a) lake
b) pond
c) ocean
d) stream

What is the name of the body of water that salmon swim in to find a place to lay eggs?
a) stream
b) pond
c) sea
d) pool

What is a fresh water habitat that stays in one place called?
a) sea
b) stream
c) pond
d) ocean

What is a group of several food chains that are connected together called?
a) habitat
b) food web
c) life cycle
d) prey

When waste is made into new things and used again, what is it called?
a) pollution
b) recycled
c) garbage
d) habitat

What is waste that harms land, water, or air called?
a) pollution
b) clean-up
c) recycling
d) landfill

What can we do to care for Earth's habitats?
a) plant trees
b) recycle wastes
c) ride bikes
d) all of theses choices

What animal lives in fresh water?
a) octopus
b) star fish
c) frog
d) coral

What animal lives in salt water?
a) mosquito
b) shark
c) frog
d) beaver

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