Mesopotamian Civilizations Question Preview (ID: 48264)

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Which group of people created the first empire?
a) Akkadians
b) Babylonians
c) Sumerians
d) Assyrians

Which group of people was know for brutal torture tactics and siege equipment?
a) Akkadians
b) Babylonians
c) Sumerians
d) Assyrians

Which group of people created a large library with over 20,000 tablets detailing their history?
a) Akkadians
b) Babylonians
c) Sumerians
d) Assyrians

Which group of people created a written law code, primary centered on equality, such as an eye for an eye?
a) Akkadians
b) Babylonians
c) Sumerians
d) Assyrians

Which group of people was the first groups to use Iron weaponry?
a) Hittities
b) Phoenecians
c) Neo-Babylonians
d) Persians

Under which group of people did population drastically rise from 700,000 to 2,000,000
a) Hittites
b) Phoenicians
c) Persians
d) Assyrians

Which group of people organized the area into provinces, and used Satraps to run each province.
a) Hittites
b) Phoenecians
c) Neo-Babylonians
d) Persians

Which group of people were sea-faring, and substantially increased trade through the Fertile Crescent.
a) Hittites
b) Phoneceians
c) Neo-Babylonians
d) Persians

Which group of people developed Cuneiform?
a) Sumerians
b) Phoenicians
c) Babylonians
d) Assyrians

Which group of people re-built the city of Babylon to its height, with a seven tiered ziggurat and the hanging gardens?
a) Neo-Babylonians
b) Persians
c) Assyrians
d) Old Babylonians

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