Parts Of Speech Question Preview (ID: 48244)

Introduction To The Parts Of Speech. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Identify the nouns in this sentence: The red jacket hung on a hook in the closet.
a) red, jacket
b) jacket, hung
c) jacket, hook, closet
d) the jacket, the closet

Identify the verb in this sentence: In the evening, bugs often fly around the lights.
a) evening
b) bugs
c) often
d) fly

Identify the simple predicate in this sentence: Twelve green frogs sat quietly on the rotting log in the forest.
a) frogs
b) sat
c) quietly
d) green

Identify the two adjectives in this sentence: My mother told me to eat the the orange carrots before I drank my chocolate milkshake.
a) orange, carrots
b) before, drank
c) orange, chocolate
d) carrots, milkshake

Identify the subject in this sentence: After the storm passed, Susie went outside to play.
a) storm
b) Susie
c) outside
d) play

Identify the verb in this sentence: The raccoon easily grabbed the fish in the water.
a) grabbed
b) easily
c) fish
d) water

Identify the adverb in this sentence: This is an extremely hard test.
a) This
b) extremely
c) hard
d) test

Identify the adjective in this sentence: Sleepy dogs like to nap during the day.
a) sleepy
b) dogs
c) nap
d) during

Identify the simple predicate in this sentence: The tiny ducks swam in the huge lake.
a) tiny
b) ducks
c) swam
d) huge

Identify the adverb in this sentence: I ran fast across the street.
a) I
b) ran
c) fast
d) across

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