Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 48231)

Plate Tectonics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which features form the longest mountain ranges on Earth?
a) The mid-ocean ridges
b) The deep-ocean trenches
c) The Rockies
d) The Andes

Which process adds more crust to the ocean floor?
a) suction
b) sea-floor spreading
c) subduction
d) magnetic stripe

Where does subduction occur?
a) Along the middle of some ocean floors
b) down the middle of mountain ranges
c) on continents
d) at deep-ocean trenches

Which process or process change the size and shape of the oceans?
a) subduction only
b) sea-floor spreading only
c) both subduction and sea-floor spreading
d) both drilling for samples and subduction

Which theory describes the motion of force driving Earth's plates?
a) first law of motion
b) third law of motion
c) continental drift
d) plate tectonics

What is the motion of Earth's plates like?
a) fast and in stages
b) slow and in stages
c) fast and constant
d) slow and constant

The San Andreas fault is an example of which kind of boundary
a) transform
b) divergent
c) oceanic
d) convergent

Which feature forms at convergent boundaries?
a) Mountain range
b) Trench
c) Rift Valley
d) Mid-Ocean ridge

As a continent moves__________ the poles, it gets colder.
a) away from
b) closer to
c) upwards
d) downwards

___________ drift is the idea that the continents slowly moved over Earth's surface.
a) Convergent
b) Tectonic
c) Oceanic
d) Continental

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