Human Body Systems Question Preview (ID: 48222)

Human Body System Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which body system controls the actions of the human body?
a) respiratory
b) circulatory
c) nervous
d) skeletal

Which body system works with the respiratory system to supply the rest of the body with oxygen?
a) muscular
b) nervous
c) circulatory
d) endocrine

Which body system works together with the skeletal system to cause movement?
a) muscular
b) nervous
c) circulatory
d) respiratory

The respiratory system has the job of
a) delivering oxygen to all parts of the body
b) digesting food
c) taking in oxygen for respiration
d) taking in carbon dioxide for rspiration

The mouth and stomach are part of which body system?
a) circulatory
b) respiratory
c) digestive
d) muscular

What one organ controls all the systems of the body?
a) the heart
b) the brain
c) the lungs
d) the liver

What is the correct order of the levels of organization from smallest to largest?
a) cell, organism, tissue, organ system, organ
b) organism, organ system, organ, tissue cell
c) cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
d) cell, tissue, organism, organ system, organ

The basic building block of life
a) cell
b) tissue
c) organ
d) organism

The body maintaining internal balance is known as
a) stimulus
b) response
c) homeostasis
d) function

When the body overheats it regains homeostasis by
a) shivering
b) sweating
c) sleeping
d) bleeding

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