Lesser Gods/creatures Of Greek Mythology Question Preview (ID: 48216)

Other Gods/goddesses Of Greek Mythology. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who was the young god of love? Also known as cupid.
a) Charon
b) Triton
c) Ares
d) Eros

Who was the cup-bearer of the gods and goddess of youth.
a) Hebe
b) Iris
c) Persephone
d) Alecto

Who was the goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods?
a) Hebe
b) Iris
c) Persephone
d) Alecto

Which god was the old man of the sea who always told the truth?
a) Nereus
b) Aeolus
c) Pan
d) Charon

What were the dangerous creatures that lured sailors to their death by their songs?
a) Muses
b) Sirens
c) Gorgons
d) Furies

Who was the goddess of the Spring who was kidnapped by Hades?
a) Iris
b) Heb
c) Persephone
d) Graces

Who is the god of the wild and hunting? He looks like a satyr.
a) Triton
b) Aeolus
c) Charon
d) Pan

Which goddesses of revenge lived in the Underworld?
a) Graiae
b) Furies
c) Fates
d) Muses

Who weave, measure, and cut the thread of life for humans.
a) Furies
b) Graiae
c) Fates
d) Neraids

What creature is half man and half horse?
a) Centaurs
b) Satyrs
c) Cerebus
d) Pegasus

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