Robin Hood Question Preview (ID: 48213)

Robin Hood Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Robin Hood blew his horn three times
a) to call the deer
b) to call his men
c) to call Little John
d) *

The Sheriff of Nottingham
a) wants to befriend Robin Hood
b) wants to capture Robin Hood
c) is Robin Hood's best friend
d) *

This character disguised himself often to join shooting matches.
a) The Sheriff of Notthingham
b) Robin Hood
c) Allan a Dale
d) *

The Sheriff of Notthingham
a) cared only about his people
b) liked to welcome strangers
c) cared only about money
d) *

The Nottingham Fair was
a) in the spring
b) in the fall
c) in the winter
d) *

Will Scarlet got his name because
a) he had red hair
b) wore red clothes
c) he lived in a town called Scarlet
d) *

Queen Eleanor
a) wanted to meet the exciting Robin Hood
b) did not like Robin Hood
c) planned to catch Robin Hood
d) *

Who is the author of Robin Hood?
a) Victor Hugo
b) Howard Plye
c) Ms. Wester

The main idea of Robin Hood is
a) take from the poor and give to the rich
b) take from the rich and give to the poor
c) take from anyone and keep all money
d) *

Robin Hood falls in love with which character?
a) Queen Elenor
b) Maid Marion
c) Princess Rebecca
d) *

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