Social Studies Chapter 3 Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 48210)

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a system for ranking people, often according to power or wealth
a) class structure
b) cash crop
c) indentured servant
d) investor

a person who gives money to a business hoping to earn more money in return
a) investor
b) indentured servant
c) cash crop
d) commerce

someone who agrees to work without pay for someone else for a set time
a) cash crop
b) class structure
c) commerce
d) indentured servant

the business of buying and selling goods
a) cash crop
b) class structure
c) commerce
d) investor

a crop raised for sale, not for use by the people who farm it
a) cash crop
b) class structure
c) commerce
d) investor

As in Jamestown in the English colonies, life in the Dutch colony of New Netherland was based on
a) fishing.
b) shipbuilding.
c) commerce.
d) farming.

Which of the following statements is true about the relationship between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans?
a) The Wampanoag people helped the Pilgrims because the Pilgrims protected them from their Native American foes.
b) In general, the Pilgrims did not cooperate with the Native Americans.
c) Native Americans refused to help the Pilgrims because the Pilgrims took their land by force.
d) Pilgrim attempts to enslave Native Americans led to many violent clashes between the two groups.

Which answer BEST explains why England wanted to start a colony in North America?
a) England’s bitter rival, Spain, had North American colonies. England wanted a North American colony to compete with Spain.
b) The English wanted to bring Native Americans back to England to work.
c) The English rulers wanted to convert the Native Americans to Christianity.
d) English explorers had discovered large amounts of gold in what is now Virginia.

Which of the following was a location of Spanish missions in New Spain?
a) the northern regions of New Spain
b) the southern regions of New Spain
c) on the islands of New Spain
d) on the Pacific Ocean

Why did Spanish settlements spread in North America?
a) The Spanish army built a series of forts.
b) Spanish missionaries set up villages, called missions.
c) The Spanish navy set up bases along the coast.
d) Spanish teachers built colleges and universities.

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