Social Studies Chapter 3 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 48207)

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a grant from the Spanish government giving settlers the right to control local Native Americans
a) drought
b) encomienda
c) representative
d) Pilgrim

a long period without rain
a) drought
b) representative
c) Pilgrim
d) Northwest Passage

a person who goes on a religious journey
a) Pilgrim
b) representative
c) encomienda
d) Northwest Passage

a shortcut by water across North America to Asia
a) Northwest Passage
b) encomienda
c) Pilgrim
d) representative

people chosen by voters to speak and act for them
a) representative
b) Pilgrim
c) Northwest Passage
d) drought

Why did Spanish settlements spread in North America?
a) The Spanish army built a series of forts.
b) Spanish missionaries set up villages, called missions.
c) The Spanish navy set up bases along the coast.
d) Spanish teachers built colleges and universities.

How did contact with the Spaniards harm Native Americans?
a) The Spanish settlers took all of the firearms from the Native Americans.
b) The Spaniards joined with the English settlers and enslaved the Native Americans.
c) The Spaniards passed European diseases to the Native Americans. As a result, many Native Americans died
d) The Spaniards gave large amounts of gold to the Native Americans, which the Native Americans used in trade with the English.

Which of the following was a location of Spanish missions in New Spain?
a) the northern regions of New Spain
b) the southern regions of New Spain
c) on the islands of New Spain
d) on the Pacific Ocean

Which of the following explains why the location of the St. Augustine settlement was important to the Spaniards?
a) The settlement served as a base for expanding Spanish settlements into the Carolinas and Virginia.
b) St. Augustine became a major center of commerce with the French and English.
c) St. Augustine was the nearest point in North America to Spain.
d) Spanish shipping route for gold and silver passed near St. Augustine. Soldiers protected the ships from pirates.

Which answer BEST explains why England wanted to start a colony in North America?
a) England’s bitter rival, Spain, had North American colonies. England wanted a North American colony to compete with Spain.
b) The English wanted to bring Native Americans back to England to work.
c) The English rulers wanted to convert the Native Americans to Christianity.
d) English explorers had discovered large amounts of gold in what is now Virginia.

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