Galiyas History 9 - Chapter 8 Test (B) Question Preview (ID: 48205)

Galiyas History 9 - Chapter 8 Test (B). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

According to the Confederate Constitution, each state
a) could impose its own protective tariffs.
b) could decide for itself whether or not to accept slavery.
c) was independent.
d) must pledge to obey the laws of the Confederate government.

A territorial civil war between proslavery and antislavery settlers occurred in
a) Virginia.
b) Georgia.
c) Kentucky.
d) Kansas.

Henry Clay made a series of proposals in 1850 that were designed to avoid secession. They required the approval of what Senator who was a defender of the South’s rights?
a) John C. Calhoun
b) John Brown
c) Lewis Cass
d) Stephen A. Douglas

The issue of slavery’s expansion divided the country not along party lines, but along
a) international lines.
b) judicial lines.
c) religious lines.
d) sectional lines

A free person of color could be falsely taken into custody under the terms of the
a) Fugitive Slave Act.
b) Kansas-Nebraska Act.
c) Missouri Compromise.
d) Wilmot Proviso.

If California entered the Union as a free state, the slaveholding states would become a minority in the
a) courts.
b) House of Representatives.
c) Senate.
d) West.

After the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed, Northerners headed for Kansas because
a) jobs working on the transcontinental railroad were available there.
b) Southern immigrants there were campaigning to secede from the Union.
c) the climate and rich soil promised better farming than the North could offer.
d) they wanted to create an antislavery majority there

What became a political issue itself and further intensified the sectional conflict rather than removing the issue of slavery in the territories from politics as hoped?
a) the Dred Scott decision
b) the election of 1856
c) the Lincoln-Douglas debates
d) the Republican Party

The Democratic nominee for president in 1856 was James Buchanan. His record in Congress showed that he believed the best way to save the Union was to make concessions to
a) Congress.
b) the North.
c) the South.
d) the western territories.

John Brown’s intention in raiding the arsenal at Harpers Ferry was to arm
a) enslaved people and begin an insurrection against slaveholders.
b) his followers so they could overthrow the federal government.
c) slaveholders so they could defend themselves against a slave insurrection.
d) Virginians for civil war.

Anger over the Kansas-Nebraska Act resulted in a new coalition that became the __________ Party.
a) Free-Soil
b) Know-Nothing
c) Liberty
d) Republican

In Dred Scott v. Sandford, the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional part of the
a) Compromise of 1850.
b) Fugitive Slave Act.
c) Kansas-Nebraska Act.
d) Missouri Compromise.

The Wilmot Proviso, which never passed, would have
a) created a compromise by dividing the territories into free states and slave states.
b) made it easier for slaveholders to retrieve an enslaved person.
c) prevented Congress from banning slavery in any territory gained from Mexico.
d) prohibited slavery in any territory gained from Mexico.

Most members of the Free-Soil Party opposed the spread of slavery because they believed that
a) allowing slavery to expand would make it difficult for free men to find work.
b) allowing slavery to expand would shift political power to the South.
c) slavery was immoral and should be abolished.
d) the people of the western territories should decide about slavery.

The caning of Charles Sumner resulted from him accusing other senators of
a) forcing Kansas into the ranks of slave states.
b) inciting thousands of “border ruffians” from Missouri to storm into Kansas.
c) taking bribes to vote against slavery in the new territories.
d) taking bribes to vote for slavery in the new territories.

The large amount of territory won from Mexico as a result of the War with Mexico decreased sectional tensions over the spread of slavery.
a) True
b) False

Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 without Southern support.
a) True
b) False

After the fall of Fort Sumter, President Lincoln drafted 75,000 troops to serve in the military for 90 days.
a) True
b) False

The House of Representatives voted to accept the Lecompton Constitution.
a) True
b) False

The novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin depicted African Americans as real people imprisoned in dreadful circumstances.
a) True
b) False

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