Greece And Rome Question Preview (ID: 48200)

Challenge Your Knowledge Of Greek And Roman Influence On The U.S. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the rejection of any planned action by a person in power?
a) Conjecture
b) Veto
c) Senator
d) Imperial Privilege

What was the name of the Roman laws that settled differences between their social classes?
a) Hammurabi's Code
b) Twelve Tables
c) 95 Theses
d) Justinian's Code

Who were the everyday citizens of Rome?
a) Plebeians
b) Patricians
c) Senators
d) Consuls

Who were the rich and powerful people of Roman society?
a) Patricians
b) Plebeians
c) Praetors
d) Senators

Who was the Roman legislature?
a) Senate
b) Consul
c) Praetors
d) Dictator

What is the difference between a direct democracy as used in Ancient Athens and a representative democracy?
a) in a direct democracy people vote on issues while in a representative democracy, they vote for representatives
b) in a direct democracy people are paid to vote but not in a representative democracy
c) a representative democracy always has a House of Representatives but a direct democracy does not
d) there is no great difference between the two, everybody votes in both

zWhat statement would not be true if the representative democracy of the U.S. was changed to mirror the Ancient Greek direct democracy of Athens?
a) women would have the right to vote
b) lawmakers would still be asked to vote on laws
c) people would have the right to develop laws
d) there would still be a minimum voting age

Suppose you were elected as one of 435 politicians to make laws for your country. You would most likely be a member of
a) a direct government
b) a representative democracy
c) the Athenian government
d) a dictatorship

What is the best definition of a direct democracy?
a) citizens elect officials to represent them in the government
b) citizens vote on laws in an assembly
c) power is held by one person who rules by force
d) power is held by a few people

What is another name for the Council of 500?
a) The Magistrate
b) The Boule
c) Ekklesia
d) Tyranny

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