Force Experiments Question Preview (ID: 48192)

5.6D Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these is not a force?
a) push
b) pull
c) gravity
d) All are forces.

Which tool is used to measure force?
a) balance
b) ruler
c) spring scale
d) beaker

How many changing variables should you have in an experiment?
a) three
b) as many as you want
c) one
d) five

Why should you do an experiment more than once?
a) just in case someone cheats
b) to take up more time
c) because its fun
d) for accurate results

Which list describes the types of variables to have in an experiment
a) change, measure, record
b) change and record
c) change, measure, control
d) measure and control

Which of the following forces causes objects to fall to the ground?
a) gravity
b) fricton
c) wind
d) moving water

Which object would most likely require the greatest force to move across the classroom floor a distance of five meters?
a) A marble with a mass of 150 grams
b) A small rock with a mass of 500 grams
c) An apple with a mass of 200 grams
d) A wooden cube a mass of 50 grams

It is easier to slip on the ice than on the concrete because between a person’s feet and ice there is less –
a) gravity
b) heat
c) friction
d) energy

If a student has two magnets, how might it be determined which magnet is stronger?
a) Count how many paper clips each magnet can lift.
b) Submerge each magnet in a bowl of water.
c) Examine each magnet to determine the north pole.
d) Measure the length and mass of both magnets.

Which surface has the least amount of friction?
a) grass
b) carpet
c) smooth tile

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