Maya Inca Aztec Question Preview (ID: 48186)

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Floating gardens of the Aztecs
a) Chinchillas
b) Chinampas
c) cuneiform
d) mestizos

This Conquistador conquered the Inca
a) Tenochtitlan
b) Montezuma
c) Cortes
d) Pizzaro

The written language of the Inca
a) There was no written language
b) hieroglyphs
c) cuneiform
d) maize

Last Emperor of the Aztecs
a) Cortes
b) Atahualpa
c) Dona Maria
d) Montezuma

Capital of the Maya Empire
a) Cuzco
b) Tenochtitlan
c) Tikal
d) Macchu Picchu

The Maya Empire was located in modern
a) Mexico and Central America
b) Mexico and South America
c) Florida
d) El Salvador

Incas cut these into the mountains so they could farm
a) quipu
b) terraces
c) Atahualpa
d) savannah

The Inca Empire was where modern _________________ is
a) Peru
b) Paraguay
c) Chile
d) Montezuma

The Inca used these animals as beasts of burden
a) cow
b) camel
c) goat
d) llama

This Inca leader surrendered to the Spanish
a) Atahualpa
b) Cortes
c) Montezuma
d) Hiawatha

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