Isn't It Ironic??? Question Preview (ID: 48184)

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The Montagues and the Capulets are feuding.
a) Dramatic Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Verbal Irony
d) Not Irony at all!

Romeo goes to Capulet party to see Rosaline but falls in love with Juliet instead.
a) Dramatic Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Verbal Irony
d) Not Irony at all!

Romeo and Juliet dance together and fall in love, not knowing the other is from their enemies' families. The reader knows this.
a) Dramatic Irony.
b) Situational Irony.
c) Verbal Irony.
d) Not Irony at all!

The phrase - pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life… - mentioned to the readers/audience in the Prologue of Act I
a) Dramatic Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Verbal Irony
d) Not Irony at all!

Tybalt notices Romeo at the Capulet party and vows to avenge himself of the insult.
a) Dramatic Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Verbal Irony
d) Not Irony at all!

Tybalt wants to fight Romeo but Romeo refuses. Tybalt doesn't know that Romeo has married his cousin, Juliet, but the readers/audience know.
a) Dramatic Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Verbal Irony
d) Not Irony at all!

Mercutio and Tybalt fight. Romeo tries to stop them but instead distracts Mercutio and unfortunately allows Tybalt with the chance to stab and kill Mercutio.
a) Dramatic Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Verbal Irony
d) Not Irony at all!

Lord Montague arranges for Juliet to marry Paris. The audience knows she is already married to his enemy's son, Romeo.
a) Dramatic Irony.
b) Situational Irony.
c) Verbal Irony.
d) Not Irony at all!

When Lady Capulet tells Juliet that Romeo lives even after killing Tybalt and Juliet responds-Ay, madam, far from the reach of these hands- in Act 3, scene v.
a) Dramatic Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Verbal Irony
d) Not Irony at all!

Romeo is banished by Prince Escalus after killing Tybalt.
a) Dramatic Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Verbal Irony
d) Not Irony at all!

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