Spelling L8 Question Preview (ID: 48178)

Spelling L8. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the correct spelling?
a) aloud
b) alowed
c) alloud
d) aloode

What is the correct spelling?
a) bald
b) bawld
c) bolde
d) baild

What is the correct spelling?
a) hawk
b) hok
c) howk
d) hauk

What is the correct spelling?
a) south
b) sowth
c) sooth
d) sothe

What is the correct spelling?
a) faucet
b) fauset
c) fawcet
d) faucete

What is the correct spelling?
a) proud
b) prowd
c) prod
d) prawd

What is the correct spelling?
a) claw
b) clow
c) clauw
d) claue

What is the correct spelling?
a) tower
b) touer
c) tawer
d) towre

What is the correct spelling?
a) stalk
b) stawlk
c) staulk
d) stalke

What is the correct spelling?
a) couple
b) cuwple
c) cauple
d) coupl

What is the correct spelling?
a) howl
b) hawl
c) howel
d) howle

What is the correct spelling?
a) false
b) fawlse
c) faulse
d) folse

What is the correct spelling?
a) dawn
b) dauwn
c) downe
d) dawne

What is the correct spelling?
a) allow
b) aullow
c) alow
d) allew

What is the correct spelling?
a) drown
b) drowne
c) droun
d) droune

What is the correct spelling?
a) pause
b) pawse
c) pase
d) pouse

What is the correct spelling?
a) fault
b) fawlt
c) folte
d) falt

What is the correct spelling?
a) cause
b) cawse
c) caose
d) caus

What is the correct spelling?
a) amount
b) amownt
c) amaunt
d) amounte

What is the correct spelling?
a) cloudier
b) clowdier
c) cloudyer
d) clodier

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