Chemical And Physical Change Practice Question Preview (ID: 48169)

Identify Chemical And Physical Changes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Changing a substance without making something new is a _______________
a) Chemical Change
b) Physical Change

Changing an object in a way that makes it into something completely new.
a) Chemical Change
b) Physical Change

Which of the following is a chemical change?
a) Cooking a hamburger
b) cutting a cake
c) mixing cookie dough
d) decorating cookies

Which of the following is and example of a physical change?
a) Eating a cookie
b) Baking a cookie
c) Breaking a cookie
d) Burning a cookie

Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?
a) Boiling Water
b) Adding Salt to Water
c) Letting water evaporate
d) Cooking an egg in water

Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
a) Painting a car
b) letting a car rust
c) tarnishing a copper pot
d) Setting a car on fire

Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?
a) Raking Leaves
b) Breaking Leaves
c) Burning leaves
d) Painting a leaf

Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
a) Burning paper
b) Sharpening a pencil
c) Making toast
d) Composting

Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?
a) Feeding a dog
b) Walking a dog
c) Cutting a dog's hair
d) Petting a dog

Which of the following would be an example of a physical change?
a) Burning Wood
b) Splitting wood
c) Letting wood decompose
d) Giving a tree fertilizer and watching it grow

Which of the following would be a chemical change?
a) Making a bracelet out of beads
b) Breaking a bracelet
c) Bending a glow bracelet to watch it glow
d) Giving a bracelet to a friend

Which of the following would be a physical change?
a) Your finger turns black or green from wearing a ring
b) Your ring turns black after being exposed to water and air
c) Your ring turns green after being exposed to water and air
d) Resizing a ring

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