Test 7th: Plot Diagram, Point Of View, Conflict, Predictions, Compare/Contrast Question Preview (ID: 48160)

Test 7th: Plot Diagram, Point Of View, Conflict, Predictions, Compare/Contrast. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The outcome of the conflict is_________
a) Theme
b) Resolution
c) Climax

The time an place of a story is the ________________
a) Setting
b) Exposition
c) Climax

A series of main events that lead up to the climax is the _________
a) Falling Actin
b) Theme
c) Rising Action

A brief introduction of the characters, setting, and opening situation is the _________
a) Setting
b) Exposition
c) Theme

The author's message is the _________________
a) Setting
b) Exposition
c) Theme

The turning point of the story is the ___________
a) Climax
b) Theme
c) Conflict

The struggle between opposing forces or the problem in the story is the __________
a) Setting
b) Sight
c) Conflict

The events that follow the conflict are considered the __________
a) Falling Action
b) Rising Action
c) Resolution

The narrator tells the story of he or she and does not reveal any characters thoughts
a) 1st person point of view
b) 3rd person objective point of view
c) 3rd person limited point of view
d) 3rd person omniscient point of view

The narrator tells the story of he or she and reveals two or more characters' thoughts or feelings
a) 1st person point of view
b) 3rd person objective point of view
c) 3rd person limited point of view
d) 3rd person omniscient point of view

The story is narrated from the perspective of I
a) 1st person point of view
b) 3rd person objective point of view
c) 3rd person limited point of view
d) 3rd person omniscient point of view

The narrator tells the story of he or she and reveals one character's thoughts and feelings
a) 1st person point of view
b) 3rd person objective point of view
c) 3rd person limited point of view
d) 3rd person omniscient point of view

What type of conflict does this passage have? -- The man was upset the other man gave him wrong directions
a) Person vs. Self
b) Person vs. Person
c) Person vs. Nature

What type of conflict does this passage have -- John was frustrated with himself for forgetting his binoculars.
a) Person vs. Self
b) Person vs. Person
c) Person vs. Nature

What type of conflict does this passage have? -- The boy scouts had to face the freezing cold in the mountains.
a) Person vs. Self
b) Person vs. Person
c) Person vs. Nature

Ron happily wrapped the box and put his sister's name on it. The room was decorated and had a big Sweet Sixteen sign. As he lit the candles, Ron knew everything was ready: What prediction can you make?
a) Ron left to go to the store
b) Ron's sister is going to have a birthday party
c) Ron checked the weather forecast

The bus was completely empty when the bus driver began his day. The first bus stop was in the middle of the busy city: What prediction can you make?
a) The bus will stay empty.
b) The bus will fill with passengers.
c) The bus driver will turn around and go home.

There are some similarities between the T.Rex and Gigantosaurus. Both were meateaters. Both were saurischians or bird-hipped dinosaurs. Each dinosaur was the dominant predator of its time and place: What do they have in common?
a) Directions and age
b) One is dead and one is alive
c) Both are dinosaurs
d) Problem and solution

The 4th of July and Veterans Day are both US holidays. However, the 4th of July celebrates our independence and Veterans Day celebrate military veterans. How are these holidays different?
a) Both holidays are celebrated in the US
b) 4th of July celebrates independence while Veterans Day celebrates veterans.
c) Both holidays are in the summer

The key word Difference shows that you are
a) Comparing
b) Contrasting

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