Olympians Of Greek Mythology Question Preview (ID: 48158)

Review Of The Main Gods/goddesses. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who was the King of the Gods and sky?
a) Hades
b) Poseidon
c) Zeus
d) Ares

Who was the god of the sea and ocean?
a) Hades
b) Poseidon
c) Zeus
d) Apollo

Who was the god of the Underworld?
a) Hades
b) Zeus
c) Poseidon
d) Dionysus

Who was the Queen of the gods and goddess of marriage?
a) Hera
b) Athena
c) Aphrodite
d) Hestia

Who was the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy?
a) Hera
b) Athena
c) Demeter
d) Artemis

Who was the god of the forge and fire. Also the ugliest of the gods?
a) Dionysus
b) Ares
c) Apollo
d) Hephaestus

Who was the goddess of love and beauty?
a) Demeter
b) Hestia
c) Aphrodite
d) Persephone

Who was the goddess of the moon and hunting?
a) Hestia
b) Artemis
c) Athena
d) Hera

Who is the god of war and battle?
a) Ares
b) Hephaestus
c) Hermes
d) Dionysus

Who was the god of the sun and music?
a) Apollo
b) Hermes
c) Ares
d) Hades

Who is the goddess of agriculture and the harvest?
a) Hestia
b) Demeter
c) Aphrodite
d) Hera

Who is the god of wine and madness?
a) Apollo
b) Hermes
c) Dionysus
d) Ares

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