Three Worlds Meet Part 1 Final Question Preview (ID: 48150)

Review Of First Section Of American History And Civics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a key element to understanding American history?
a) Geography
b) Money
c) iPhones
d) Google

What are high level lands called?
a) Hills
b) Plateaus
c) Basin
d) Desert

What age was America in before the first humans arrived?
a) Good Feelings
b) Golden Age
c) Iron Age
d) Pleistocene

What is the land called that opened up over the Bering Strait?
a) Beringia
b) Monrovia
c) Walt Whitman
d) Panama

From which continent did the first Americans arrive?
a) Africa
b) Europe
c) Asia
d) Australia

What was the first of the great civilizations found in Central/South America?
a) Olmec
b) Aztec
c) Maya
d) Inca

What is an advanced culture in which people have developed cities, science, and industries?
a) City
b) Civilization
c) Borough
d) Country

Which civilization built the great city of Tenochtitlan?
a) Aztec
b) Inca
c) Maya
d) Peruvian

Which civilization build a large system of roads for their large empire?
a) Olmec
b) Aztec
c) Maya
d) Inca

Who were a very influential group in Iroquois society chose the leaders?
a) Women
b) Men
c) Sachem
d) Children

What is a type of sun-dried brick used to build homes and showed the Southwest Native Americans ability to adapt to their environment.
a) Adobe
b) Plateau
c) Mesa
d) Dugout

What was a gift-giving ceremony that demonstrated the plentiful resources of the Northwest cultural region?
a) Potlatch
b) Sachem
c) Adobe
d) Birthday

Which Northeastern tribe had a great influence on the United States?
a) Aztec
b) Iroquois
c) Cherokee
d) Lenape

How was the Islamic religions spread across the continents of Africa, Asia, and Europe?
a) Trade
b) Television
c) Internet
d) Plane

Name a great African trade kingdom.
a) Mali
b) Zimbabwe
c) Ghana
d) All

The Ancient _______ invented a compass.
a) Astrolabe
b) Compass
c) Algebra
d) The concept of 0

What replaced the Silk Road as the main trade route between Asia, Africa and Europe?
a) Sea Routes
b) Land Routes
c) Flight Patterns
d) None

Who led a large fleet of Chinese ships through Asia and to the coast of Africa?
a) Zheng He
b) Shi Huangdi
c) Gao
d) Tang T'Song

What would have been a desired trade item in the 1400's?
a) iPhone
b) Water
c) Salt
d) None

What was the name of the tribal leaders of the Iroquois?
a) Sachem
b) Totem
c) Potlatch
d) None

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