Present, Past, Future Question Preview (ID: 48149)

3rd Grade. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Present Tense
a) He had a dog last year.
b) We cook every day.
c) Michael studied hard all year.
d) He will help you tomorrow.

Past Tense
a) She will see her friend on the weekend.
b) He will help you tomorrow.
c) We live in Texas.
d) An old lady walked with her cat.

Future Tense
a) My mother never lies.
b) Do we know each other?
c) I will go to London next week.
d) We listened to music.

Present Tense
a) I will read the newspaper when I go to bus station.
b) They will be here in two hours.
c) We go to the gym club together.
d) Two boys played with a ball.

Past Tense
a) I forgot my wallet.
b) I will make a tea.
c) She will meet with her best friends.
d) They are going to dance.

Future Tense
a) A gardener swept up dead leaves.
b) They will go to the school.
c) Last year I traveled to Germany.
d) She doesn’t use a computer.

Present Tense
a) I forgot my wallet.
b) He will help you tomorrow.
c) An old lady walked with her cat.
d) She doesn’t use a computer.

Past Tense
a) They will go to the school.
b) He had a dog last year.
c) They are going to dance.
d) She will see her friend on the weekend.

Future Tense
a) A gardener swept up dead leaves.
b) Last year I traveled to Germany.
c) We listened to music.
d) He will help you tomorrow.

Present Tense
a) She finished all the exercices.
b) They will win the game.
c) She goes to work by bus.
d) George came home very late last night.

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