Ancient Greece Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 48145)

Ancient Greece Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An area of Athens that was built high on a hill. This area was considered very special and contained many of the most important buildings in Athens.
a) Acropolis
b) Temple of Artemis
c) Erechtheion
d) Temple of Apollo

Greek philosopher that did most of his works in the field of science, especially dealing with the scientific method. Was a student of Plato, teacher to Alexander the Great.
a) Aristotle
b) Plato
c) Socrates

An individual that lives in a society that is given special privileges or rights but usually also has a greater responsibilities.
a) Gentleman
b) Merchant
c) Citizen

a meeting place in Ancient Greek city-states
a) The mall
b) Agora
c) Town Hall
d) Pergola

People who are in charge in an Aristocracy
a) Dictator
b) Emperor
c) President
d) Aristocrat

a governmental system in which a group of elites rule
a) Democracy
b) Aristocracy
c) Oligarchy
d) Communisim

(In most cases) a written list of the rules or laws of a society and explanations of them.
a) Constitution
b) Bill of Rights
c) Magna Carta
d) Declaration of Independence

Greek citizen soldiers usually armed with long spears and shields and fighting in a phalanx formation.
a) Hercules Men
b) Hessian
c) Hoplite
d) Spartan Warrior Gods

A form of government in which all power rests with a very small group of the richest people
a) Democracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Communism
d) Totalitarianism

A major athletic competition started in ancient Greece involving multiple different Greek city states
a) Greeks Got Talent
b) Ancient World Amazing Race
c) Greeks Idol
d) Olympics

Slaves used by Spartans as farmers
a) Indentured Servants
b) Helots
c) Hoplite
d) Citizen

a basic form of government that allows citizens to have a say in their government, usually through voting.
a) Democracy
b) Monarchy
c) Communism

to exclude someone from a group. In Ancient Greece, non-citizens were considered ostracized.
a) Ostracism
b) Mean...mean...person
c) hospitable
d) repugnant

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