Mesopotamia And Early Humans Review Question Preview (ID: 48144)

Mesopotamia And Early Humans. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The invention of the wheel did what for the Sumerians?
a) Allowed for more freedom of movement
b) made it to where they didn't have to move around anymore
c) made it easier to hunt and gather food

What was the nickname given to Homo Habilis?
a) Upright Man
b) Handy Man
c) Modern Man

What was the nickname given to Homo Sapiens?
a) Handy Man
b) Upright Man
c) Modern Man

What was the nickname given to Homo Erectus?
a) Upright Man
b) Handy Man
c) Modern Man

How did Mesopotamians solve the problem of not being able to get water to their crops?
a) Water Towers
b) Ditches
c) Carrying water from the river to their crops
d) Irrigation Systems

Mesopotamia was located in what modern day country?
a) Iraq
b) Iran
c) Japan
d) Africa

Which of the following is NOT part of an irrigation system?
a) Branch canals
b) Water towers
c) Feeder Canals
d) Gates

Having a stable food supply allowed for:
a) A larger population
b) more people to die
c) More hunting and gathering

Which era created permanent settlements?
a) Paleolithic
b) Neolithic

Which Era was nomadic?
a) Paleolithic
b) Neolithic

What type of source includes textbooks, websites, magazine articles, biographies, things that are written/created AFTER the time period happened
a) Primary
b) Secondary

What type of source includespictures, diary entries, artifacts from a place, things that came DIRECTLY from the time period, interviews, autobiographies
a) Primary
b) Secondary

What term is defined as 'taming animals for human use'?
a) Nomadic
b) Agriculture
c) Domestication

Agriculture is what?
a) Creating buildings
b) Farming
c) Creating Art
d) Taming Animals

Which was NOT a reason the Neolithic Revolution was considered a turning point in history?
a) Farming
b) Permanent Settlements
c) Domestication of Animals
d) Nomadic Lifestyle

What term means having no permanent home?
a) Agriculture
b) Nomadic
c) Irrigation
d) Neolithic

What was the MAIN belief of Hammurabi's Code?
a) An eye for an eye
b) Might Makes right
c) Trial by Jury

Fertile Crescent got its name from:
a) The shape of the land (crescent shaped) and the fertile soil
b) The fertile soil and the moon was over it
c) The shape of the land (crescent shaped) and no one lived there
d) The fertile soil and it was easy to get to

What invention helped to create a more stable food supply?
a) Pulley
b) Plow
c) Cuneiform

What Hominid group are WE (humans today) classified as?
a) Homo Erectus
b) Homo Sapiens Sapiens
c) Homo Habilis
d) Australopithecus

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