Weathering And Erosion Test Question Preview (ID: 48139)

Erosion Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The process that breaks rocks into smaller pieces
a) Deposition
b) Erosion
c) Weathering
d) Sublimation

Sinkholes are caused by what agent of erosion
a) Wind
b) Water
c) Glaciers
d) Gravity

Wet moving Earth material
a) Dune
b) Mudslide
c) Glacier
d) Creep

What land feature is present before a sinkhole is developed?
a) Cave
b) River
c) Canyon
d) Plain

What land form is made mainly because of erosion by groundwater?
a) Valley
b) Canyon
c) Cavern
d) Glacier

What agent of erosion is mainly responsible for landslides, mudslides and rockfalls.
a) Gravity
b) Wind
c) Glaciers
d) Water

What happens when a stream slows down?
a) It goes into a waterfall
b) It gets more energy
c) The stream deposits sediments
d) The stream picks up MORE sediments

To form a meandering river and oxbow lakes, what two processes HAVE to happen?
a) Weathering and Deposition
b) Chemical and Physical Weathering
c) Erosion and Deposition
d) Erosion and Deflation

What type of climate does physical weathering happen faster?
a) Cold/Moist
b) Cold/Dry
c) Warm/ Moist
d) Warm/Dry

What type of climate does chemical weathering happen faster?
a) Cold/Moist
b) Cold/Dry
c) Warm/Moist
d) Warm/Dry

What is the one thing that all agents of erosion need?
a) Weathering
b) Sunlight
c) Energy
d) Wind

Besides gravity, what is the main factor that causes a landslide?
a) ice
b) wind
c) rain
d) temperature

What letter is associated with a valley created by a glacier
a) j
b) v
c) u
d) L

What is the weakest agent of erosion
a) Wind
b) Water
c) Glaciers
d) Gravity

a) Gravity
b) Glaciers
c) Wind
d) Water

a) Gravity
b) Glaciers
c) wind
d) water

a) gravity
b) glaciers
c) wind
d) water

a) gravity
b) glaciers
c) wind
d) water

a) Gravity
b) Glaciers
c) Wind
d) Water

a) Gravity
b) Glaciers
c) Wind
d) Water

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