Aquifer (Start) Question Preview (ID: 48132)

Aquifer Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation are parts of the
a) water cycle
b) bicycle
c) atmosphere
d) geocycle

What is an aquifer?
a) An underwater reserve of water.
b) Another name for a lake.
c) Another name for a river.

A mass of tiny droplets of water that have condensed in the atmosphere
a) Precipitation
b) Condensation
c) Evaporation
d) Cloud

When an aquifer is used up, it is said to be _____.
a) recharged
b) permeable
c) depleted
d) seeping

As time goes by, and water goes through the water cycle again and again, the amount of water on Earth _______.
a) decreases
b) increases
c) remains the same
d) There is no way of knowing for sure.

How is water stored in an aquifer?
a) in an open underground lake
b) in cracks and spaces in rocks
c) in impermeable rock
d) in wells and springs

Which habitat on Earth would probably add the greatest amount of water to the water cycle through evaporation?
a) mountain rock
b) desert sand
c) cold lake
d) warm ocean

We call the storage space for water, underground a(n)
a) lake
b) ocean
c) aqualand
d) aquifer

The continuous pumping of water OUT of an aquifer can cause it to...
a) become polluted
b) dry out / lower water levels
c) spread further underground
d) flood

When the ground (or air) is saturated with water, it....
a) can't hold anymore water
b) automatically turns water to steam
c) starts the water cycle
d) loses thermal energy

Adding thermal energy makes molecules
a) move slower and clump together
b) stop moving all together
c) move slow and move apart
d) move faster and spread out

To get water from an aquifer we use...
a) plants
b) animals
c) big holes
d) pumps and wells

A confined aquifer is...
a) deep in the ground
b) hard to get to
c) 'locked' in place with obstructions
d) all of these

the water table is the
a) bottom of an aquifer
b) top of an aquifer
c) middle of an aquifer
d) isn't part of an aquifer

precipitaiton that isn't soaked into the ground, will run off to a nearby stream, river of lake. This is called....
a) saturation
b) runoff
c) aquifer
d) condensation

many people get their drinking water from
a) confined aquifers
b) ocean water
c) unconfined aquifers
d) rain

The water in unconfined aquifers refills from
a) water soaking through saturated ground, and filling it.
b) magic by elves
c) the water cycle
d) thermal energy

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