Phono Vocab Question Preview (ID: 48131)

Practice Phono Root Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A good sound is also called-
a) euphonic
b) cacophony
c) megaphone
d) microphone

Bad noise is also called-
a) microphone
b) euphonic
c) cacophony
d) megaphone

Something used to make small voices louder is called a-
a) megaphone
b) microphone
c) euphonic
d) cacophony

The root word Phon, Phono means
a) sound
b) speech
c) listening
d) bad

Something used to make your voice louder is called a-
a) megaphone
b) microphone
c) cacophony
d) euphonic

A word that sounds the same but is spelled different is called a-
a) Euphonic
b) Cacophony
c) Homophone
d) Microphone

Euphonic is-
a) a nice sound
b) a bad sound
c) a loud sound
d) an annoying sound

The words wear and where are examples of this.
a) homophones
b) megaphones
c) microphones
d) cacophony

Loud and bad noises are called-
a) cacophony
b) homophone
c) cacophony
d) euphonic

If I was in a gym and no one could hear me, I would what to make my voice louder?
a) cacophony
b) megaphone
c) homophones
d) euphonic

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