History And Geography Intro Quiz Unit 1 2019 Question Preview (ID: 48127)

Intro Quiz Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The economy of early villages and cities was based mainly on
a) tools
b) economic activity
c) farming
d) trade

There are 3 themes of geography
a) True
b) False

46081 W. Ann Arbor Road is an example of absolute location
a) True
b) False

Deciduous trees lose their leaves during the fall
a) True
b) False

Coniferous forests lose their leaves during the fall.
a) True
b) False

Mountains, oceans, and deserts can't be physical barriers to culture
a) True
b) False

People's culture adapt to the environment.
a) True
b) False

Which is NOT a feature of culture
a) language
b) health care
c) music
d) architecture

What does an economic activity map of a country show?
a) where its people live
b) how high its mountains are
c) what kind of climate it has
d) how its people make a living

You live in which region of the United States?
a) The Rockies
b) The West
c) The Midwest
d) The South

What word is defined by how crowded a place is with people?
a) population density
b) economic activity
c) what kind of climate it has
d) region

A landform is
a) the pattern of weather over a long period of time.
b) defined by one or more cultural characteristics that set it apart from other areas.
c) the average number of people who live in a unit of area.
d) any natural feature of Earth's surface that has a distinct shape.

What is culture?
a) The spread of ideas
b) a short well known expression
c) A shared way of life
d) a custom prohibiting or restricting a practice

What were the earliest tools made from?
a) fossils
b) iron
c) animal skins
d) stone

What do geographers call an area with one or more features that set it apart from other areas?
a) a climate zone
b) a region
c) a landform
d) a city

Which term means the pattern of weather over a long period of time?
a) climate
b) density
c) region
d) vegetation

What do human fossils contain?
a) hair
b) skin
c) bones
d) brains

What are geologists able to tell archaeologists about fossils?
a) how old they are
b) what they were used for
c) how early people lived
d) the beliefs of early people

____ is the time before written records
a) The Paleolithic Era
b) Homo Sapien
c) Prehistory
d) The Neolithic Era

Longitude comes before latitude.
a) True
b) False

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