Second Industrial Revolution Question Preview (ID: 48119)

Unit 2 Fall Semester. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Adam Smith applied Enlightenment ideas of reason to his economic philosophy of laissez-faire and a free market economy. Which statement below best explains his concept of natural law in the government’s role in the economic lives of its citizens?
a) The government should control trade.
b) The government stays out of business regulation to let the people operate as they please.
c) High taxes for the poor and low taxes for the rich.
d) Agriculture based on tenant farming and serfdom.

Marx and Engels thought that all history was the history of class struggles. They believed that __________.
a) the proletariat would overthrow the bourgeoisie
b) the bourgeoisie would revolt
c) gradual reforms would improve society
d) the bourgeoisie would eventually control the proletariat

What are socialism, communism, and capitalism?
a) economic and political theories developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
b) methods of organizing industry and international trade
c) economic and political theories that developed to cope with the Great Depression
d) philosophies developed in ancient Greece and Rome

Who controls property and the distribution of income in a capitalist system?
a) government
b) individuals
c) the capital city leaders
d) your teacher

Who argued that individuals should own and control businesses and make all the decisions about them?
a) Karl Marx
b) Keir Hardie
c) Adam Smith
d) Robert Owen

What is Louis Pasteur known for?
a) developing a process to kill germs in food
b) inventing the telephone
c) building the wireless telegraph and radio
d) What is Louis Pasteur known for?

Workers are responsible for the production of goods in a business, but business owners exploit their workers. Workers should revolt, take over the businesses, and set up a government to run the economy on their behalf. Which political thinker would
a) Karl Marx
b) Adam Smith
c) Keir Hardie
d) Robert Owen

What is needed for a country to industrialize?
a) abundant natural resources
b) individuals with comercial vision
c) capital for investing
d) all of them

One reason that Germany and England were able to industrialize relatively quickly was that they had plenty of __________.
a) wood
b) silver
c) Coal
d) gold

Industrial and technological advances often improve the standard of living. Which innovation was introduced during the Second Industrial Revolution?
a) automobile
b) cotton gin
c) steel plow
d) steam engine

Why was Wilhelm II determined to build up the German army and navy?
a) He wanted to prove that Germany was a great world power.
b) He was tired of being invaded by France.
c) He felt threatened by the Russians.

How did Germany become an important industrial power during the nineteenth century?
a) Germany acquired territory rich in iron ore
b) Bismark unified the German lands by going ro war with France
c) Scientists and engineers developed many inventions
d) All of them

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin in the late 1700s?
a) Britain
b) United States
c) Japan
d) Germany

What period of the late 1800's can be best described as a a period of new growth in manufacturing, reliance on electricity and petroleum, and mass prodution and stronger steel?
a) Second Industrial Revolution
b) Industrial Revolution
c) The Electric Slide
d) Scientific Revolution

The creation of labor unions during the 2nd industrial revolution was caused by what?
a) Manufacturing sales were falling behind Agricultural sales.
b) Employers wanting to revolt against workers.
c) Many small towns were beginning to embrace despotism as a means of government
d) Factories were in awful working conditions due to Laissez-faire policies

What caused workers to unite and create labor unions?
a) Purchasing factories from the owners.
b) To go back to cheaper primitive production methods.
c) To help keep workers safe from unsanitary, corrupt, and dangerous working conditions.
d) Purchasing factories from the owners.

Look at the thesis statement below. Thesis statement: During The Second Industrial Revolution multiple inventions were created that improved the quality of life for people. Which answer below supports this thesis statement?
a) More social interaction after dark with the invention of the indoor electric lamp
b) More automobile production increased pollution in cities
c) Industrialization caused overcrowded and diseased cities
d) Factories nearly eliminated the need for manual farm labor and many farm workers lost their jobs

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