Unit 1 Question Preview (ID: 48060)

Early To Classical Civilizations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What factor led to Rome being the center of the trade world?
a) Its central location along the Mediterranean Sea.
b) Its central location on the Indian Ocean
c) Its location in the Apennine Mountains
d) Its location in Northern Africa

Which of the following is the process where animals and plants adapt to and/or controlled by humans?
a) Domestication
b) Specialization
c) Civilization
d) Migration

What environmental factors required Greece to trade? (6.1.CC)
a) Lack of natural resources and their location on the Mediterranean Sea
b) An abundance of farmland and their location on the Mediterranean Sea
c) Lack of natural resources and their location as a landlocked country
d) An abundance of natural resources and their location in the desert

Where were the earliest known developments of civilization?
a) Greece, Rome, Egypt and Mesopotamia
b) Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China
c) Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia and China
d) Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and Rome

How were agriculture and civilization linked?
a) Agriculture led to permanent settlements and specialization
b) Civilizations did not need to depend on agriculture
c) People created civilizations and then began agriculture
d) Agriculture and civilization were not linked

How were ideas and cultural characteristics shared from civilization to civilization?
a) trade
b) printing press
c) specialization
d) domestication

Roman roads were very well constructed across the entire empire for what reason(s)?
a) Enable citizens to move to other cities
b) Move troops and promote trade
c) To only move troops
d) To promote only trade.

Why was trade so important to early civilizations?
a) People found they could not produce all needed and wanted products.
b) So the people could become better warriors.
c) It lessened the importance of the Silk Road.
d) It was important to be able to trade with North America.

It has been said that through trade Egyptians were inspired to create pyramids by the Mesopotamians. What ancient Mesopotamian invention would have inspired the Egyptians to build pyramids?
a) Ziggurats
b) The Colosseum
c) Agoras
d) Synagogues

The Silk Road was a major trade route that developed in the 1st century, and it connected the Roman Empire with the Han Dynasty in China. All total, the silk road connected three continents, what were those continents?
a) Europe, Africa, Asia
b) Europe, Africa, Australia
c) Europe, Asia, South America
d) Asia, Africa, Australia

What characteristics of a civilization led to the inequality in societies?
a) social customs
b) social meetings
c) social gatherings
d) social classes

How did farming lead to permanent villages?
a) Farming led to surplus, which ended the need to migrate and led to larger populations.
b) Farming led to migration, which led to surplus and a decrease in the population.
c) Farming led to specialization and migration.
d) Farming had nothing to do with the building of permanent villages.

After developing agriculture, what event led to social classes emerging in early river valley civilizations?
a) Specialization
b) Government
c) Domestication
d) Revolution

The first civilizations appeared in locations where the geography was favorable to
a) Rocks and mountain climbing
b) agriculture
c) Building temples
d) establishing road systems

Why did ancient civilizations develop near rivers?
a) The rivers provided fresh water for irrigation.
b) The river provided a place for swimming.
c) The river's flood washed all of their trash away.
d) The river provided salt for seasoning foods.

What is the difference between a Direct Democracy (Greece) and a Representative/Republic (Rome and U.S.A.)?
a) A direct democracy has elected officials, a Representative/Republic everyone has equal voting rights.
b) A Representative/Republic has elected officials, a Direct everyone has equal voting rights.
c) A direct democracy is when all citizens have equal voting rights; a Republic citizens vote for a person to go to assembly.
d) There is no difference.

How did the Mesopotamians and Egyptians impact modern society?
a) They both created a writing system.
b) They both created the printing press.
c) They both created gunpowder
d) They both created ships for trade.

The government of the United States of America is most similar to what ancient society?
a) Roman Repubic
b) Greek democracy
c) Egyptian Theology
d) Imperial China

What ancient empire developed the concept of zero in mathematics?
a) Indians
b) Greeks
c) Egyptians
d) Mesopotamians

In order to supply fresh water to cities, Romans used arches to build what innovation structure?
a) Aqueducts
b) Amphitheater
c) Baths
d) Colosseum

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