Ancient Times Thru Renaissance Question Preview (ID: 48039)

History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

During primitive times the witch doctor may gives you:
a) herbs and plants
b) IV
c) antibiotic
d) pills

What began the dark ages?
a) Fall of Roman Empire
b) Battle of the budge
c) War of 1812
d) Vietnam war

Greeks believed illness was caused by
a) natural causes
b) evil spirits
c) voodoo
d) the gods

What disease killed 75% of population in Europe and Asia
a) Bubonic plaque
b) polio
c) diabetes
d) cancer

Romans developed
a) sanitation
b) printing press
c) vaccines
d) apothecaries

The rebirth of medicine with invention of printing press, acceptance of dissection happened during
a) Renaissance
b) Primitive times
c) Ancient times
d) dark ages

In primitive times what would happen if you complained of headache?
a) You would get a hole in your head to release the demons
b) a shot
c) IV
d) pills

In primitive times, illness was believed to be caused by
a) Gods
b) natural causes
c) germs
d) bad food

What is your favorite holiday?
a) My birthday!
b) Christmas
c) Valentines Day
d) Halloween

Who is going to win the Homecoming game?
a) Hobbton
b) Hobbton
c) Hobbton
d) Hobbton

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