Water Cycle (so Far) Question Preview (ID: 48007)

Brief Review Of Water Cycle. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Water in the atmosphere that falls to the earth as rain, snow, sleet or hail
a) Condensation
b) Precipitation
c) Evaporation
d) Cloud

Water in a gas state is called...
a) Ice
b) Liquid
c) Plasma
d) Vapor

A mass of tiny droplets of water that have condensed in the atmosphere
a) Cloud
b) Precipitation
c) Weather
d) Melt

The process of adding Thermal energy to water and it changing from a solid to a liquid.
a) Condensation
b) Precipitation
c) Cloud
d) Evaporation

The blanket of gases that surround Earth.
a) Clouds
b) Water Cycle
c) Thermal Energy
d) Atmosphere

The process of removing Thermal energy from water and it changing from a liquid to a solid.
a) Precipitation
b) Condensation
c) Clouds
d) Evaporation

The continuous, never-ending movement of water through the Earth's surface and the air.
a) Water Cycle
b) Cloud Cycle
c) Bicycle
d) Groundwater

Most water we drink is stored underground in a ....
a) Water Tower
b) Cloud
c) Aquifer
d) Ocean

The process in which water particles change from a gas to a liquid
a) Precipitation
b) Condensation
c) Evaporation
d) Cloud

Water stored in cracks of underground rocks.
a) Clouds
b) Oceans
c) Streams
d) Groundwater

The process in which water particles heat up and change from a liquid to a gas
a) Condensation
b) Evaporation
c) Precipitation
d) Evacuation

Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?
a) The Sun
b) Clouds
c) Oceans
d) Plants

True or False: condensation is part of the water cycle.
a) False
b) True

True or False: When a liquid changes to a gas it is called precipitation
a) True
b) False

As time goes by,and water goes through the water cycle again and again,the amount of water on Earth__________.
a) Becomes less
b) Becomes more
c) Stays the exact same
d) Goes up and down

The water that was around millions of years ago___________.
a) Is gone, and has been gone for a long time
b) Is about half way gone
c) Would be really dirty is it was still around
d) Is the same water we use today

Once water makes it all the way through the water cycle,the water___________.
a) Starts a different, non-water cycle.
b) Disappears
c) Stays in the last stage forever
d) Starts the water cycle over again.

On which type of day will the most pond water evaporate?
a) Hot and cloudy
b) Hot and sunny
c) Cold and rainy
d) Cool and cloudy

Once water makes it all the way through the water cycle, the water___________.
a) Has finished that cycle and moves onto a different cycle
b) Disappears
c) Starts to cycle over again
d) Stays in the stage at which it finished

On which type of day will the most pond water evaporate?
a) Cool and cloudy
b) Cool and Rainy
c) Hot and cloudy
d) Hot and sunny

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