Christopher Columbus Question Preview (ID: 48002)

This Is Set For A Review For The Students For Christopher Columbus. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What diseases did Christopher Columbus bring that killed many Native Americas?
a) Smallpox, Measles and Influenza, Plague
b) Trachea, Bronchus, Smallpox
c) Rabies. Ebola and Hanta fever.

In what country was Christopher Columbus born?
a) Italy
b) France
c) Greece
d) Cuba

What did Columbus call the first people he met in this new world?
a) Indians
b) Latina

Did Columbus reach India on his first vogage.
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

When did Christopher Columbus leave for his first voyage?
a) 1455
b) 1476
c) 1997
d) 1492

Who were the world leader that paid for Columbus expedition?
a) Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex
b) Charles the Bold and Louis XII of France
c) Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain
d) Henry the 8th

What continent did Columbus think he had reached when he visited the Americas?
a) Africa
b) Asia
c) South America
d) Mexico

Columbus was the first person to set foot on land in either of the American continents?
a) False
b) True

How many expeditions did Columbus make to the Americas?
a) 56
b) 4
c) 16
d) 8

Name the three ships that Christopher Columbus took on his first voyage?
a) Nina, Pina and Santa Monia.
b) Nina, Isabella, Mexico
c) Columbus, Santa Monia, Nina
d) Meghan, Nina, and Isabella

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